As a self-proclaimed introvert, I think about 'hiding' quite often. Is it even possible to hide or keep to yourself anymore? The other night I sat on my stoop smoking a cigarette and the next morning I noticed someone had dropped a postcard through my mail slot addressed to, "the person in the first floor apartment." It advertised a local smoke shop. I laughed because..well..who does that these days? Furthermore, who goes to smoke shops? I also pictured someone creeping along outside, stalking stoop-sitters. Anyways, real or virtual...we've got an eye on one another.
I want to know if we can still be mysterious and surprising in what has generally become a predictable world. There are so many postings, questions, comments, texts, chats, status updates, reality shows, and on and on and on....but do we really understand one another any more because of it? Are we even trying to understand? Sometimes I think the only way we can is through photos. They can say too much and too little at the same time. Even though I find myself too attached to the phone and the computer, sometimes still...it's just easier to shut my mouth and shoot my words. And so here it goes...
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